Sunday, June 15, 2008

Welcome and Introduction - By Bob Whelan

First, some news about my websites. was attacked by hackers in March. They inserted a virus that destroys information into the site. We are working to get it repaired. The old store and inner circle were also destroyed. We are now two thirds back and will be better than ever soon. We have a new inner circle at www.NaturalStrength.Net and a new store at Both are better than the previous products but are still a work in progress to get re-established. The main site, had well over a thousand articles on it and was a 9 year compilation of work and money. It had a lengthy "page one ranking" on Google for "strength training" and it took thousands of dollars of webmaster fees to build it. I also paid a typist to type out all of those old classic books and put them online. I believe we were able to save most of the data on back up.

Over the summer we'll be converting the old site to an ARCHIVES site and get it back up and running . This new blog can be seen as the beginning of the comeback. This will probably serve as the temporary but could also be the permanent home page with the ARCHIVES of the old site attached to it (once repaired.) We'll see how it goes. Thanks for all your support!

Physical Culture
Does modern bodybuilding make you sick? You should write for Natural Strength! I always need good articles about drug-free weight training. It only has to be at least a page and nothing fancy. Just write it strong and truthful with passion! Send your articles directly to me:

Vintage Bodybuilding Literature

Vintage Bodybuilding Literature
Oldtime Strongman Books

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