Tuesday, September 13, 2011


For the third month the lifting group will be asked to change over to the following set; One Hand Side Press, both right and left; Two Hands Pull Over and Press on Back, without Bridge; Two hands Pull Over and Press with Shoulder Bridge; Two Hands Clean and Jerk; One Hand Military Press, both right and left; in all seven lifts to train on.

The prevailing rules are: Take your weight and measurements at the beginning of the month, and then not again till the end of the month. Likewise you are not to test your abilities in any of these lifts during the entire month, but to follow out the suggest scheme of progression. To determine the correct poundage for your practice, start out with three-fourths of your best performance in each lift. You are to practice three days a week only; the first week you practice with that amount of weight, repeating as many times as you are comfortably can in each lift; the next week add five pounds to each of the one hand lifts, and ten pounds to each of the two hand lifts; practice with these poundage one week ( that is, three exercise days), add to the poundage at the same rate, and so on till you have completed four weeks, or twelve exercise days. Then on the last scheduled exercise day of the month, rest yourself on all these lifts, and see what you can do; or better still, split the test up into two days. You will then have completed a lifting program of three months, and should be in much better condition to follow up your ambitions so far as lifting accomplishments are concerned.

The idea in suggesting this program was that it embraced great possibilities in the way of adding to the general abilities of the participant, giving a firm foundation on which to build higher lifting poundage all around.

The exercise group should spend the first month on the Two Arm Curl, Press Behind Neck, Pullover, rowing movement for broad of back, dead lift exercise with straight knees, deep knee bend, Two Arm Press on Back, Shoulder Shrug, calf exercise, Straddle Lift, sit-ups, and neck exercise.

Repeat all arm movements five times, leg and back movements ten times. Each week add five pounds to the lighter movements and ten pounds to the heavier exercises. Be sure to start with a poundage in each exercise that you can handle correctly in a comfortable manner. Each entrant is to promise not to take his measurements or weight during the whole month and not to make any lifting tests whatever.

In connection with this experiment, you are requested to refrain from any participation in other forms of exercise or sport as much as possible on the intervening days.

In The exercise group for the second month are included twelve exercises, nine of them to be performed with a kettle bell, one with a bar bell, and two with either light dumb bell or plates held in the hands. It is suggested that you use poundage that are well within your limit of strength in every one these exercises, it being best to be somewhat under, rather than too close to your limit of strength.

Ex. No. l; We will include the curl with kettle bells, repeating five times with each hand; Ex. No. 2; One Hand Military Press exercise with each hand using a kettle bell, and repeating five times slowly. Ex. No. 3; The Kettle Bell Swing, in which the bell is swung from between the legs to the height of the chest and switched to the other hand, and then swung back between the legs, keeping the back flat all the time, and doing all the bending with the knees and hips; repeat a dozen times with each arm. Ex. No. 4; Leaning forward with the hips, rest one hand on a chair, while you hold a kettle bell in the other hand; now keeping the elbow straight out from the body, raise the bell by bending the arm; repeat five times with each hand; Ex. No. 5; The Crucifix, or muscling out, with two kettle bells; repeat five times. Ex. No. 6; Calf Exercise of rising and lowering on one foot while holding a kettle bell in one hand; repeat ten times. Ex. No. 7; Reverse Curl with kettle bell, five times each hand; Ex. No. 7; Reverse Curl with kettle bell, five times with each hand; Ex. No. 8; The Alternate Pressing Exercise with two kettle bells as the arms are extended overhead. Ex. No. 9; An Abdominal Exercise of sitting sidewise on a chair with the feet hooked under some immovable object, bend back, hold a kettle bell in each hand at the sides of the chest, and raise from the floor to a sitting position; repeat five times; Ex. No. 10; The Deep Knee Bend is performed with a comparatively heavy bar bell, the feet being kept flat on the floor, toes pointed straight to the front, you can manage best by keeping the feet no more than eighteen inches apart, sit down as far as you can then come back to the erect position, repeat twelve times.

The next two exercises are for the chest region, and can be performed with 5 pound dumb bells, or by holding a plate of that weight in each hand. Ex. No. 11; Assume the prone position with a small stool or other object under the broad of the back; bend the head back so there is a decided arch to the chest, then begin an alternate Two Arm Pullover, performing a complete half circle with each arm; as one arm is stretched full length overhead, the other should be at the thigh; repeat twelve times with each hand, being sure to keep the arms straight. Ex. No. 12; The other chest exercise will consist of extending the arms to the side while in the same position as in the foregoing exercise; start with both arms straight above the chest, with five pounds in each hand; while inhaling deeply, lower the arms sidewise to the floor, then return to the position over chest while exhaling, keep arms straight.

Breathe deeply at all times, through the mouth if necessary. As a rule you should inhale with every flexion of the involved muscle, but rather that be compelled to hold the breath, it is better to inhale with every movement, both flexing and extending, and exhale at the end of each movement.

Follow every exercise period with a good bath, a warm soap bath is preferable. As a rub down you may use ordinary rubbing alcohol, or any of the good compounds offered for sale in drug stores. Be sure to exercise no more than three times a week, and try to limit each practice to forty minutes at the most.

The exercises for the third month follow:

l. One Arm Dumb Bell Curl.

2. One Arm Military Press

3. One Arm Side Press Exercise with Dumb Bell

4. Two Arm Pull Over

5. Rowing Exercise

6. Deep Knee Bend with Flat Feet

7. Walk around room on toes with bar bell on shoulders.

8. Alternate two arm press with either dumb bells or kettle bells, preferably dumb bells.

9. Pressing bell on soles of feet, lying on back.

10. Two Hands Dead Lift - while shrugging shoulders

ll. Wrestler's Bridge

12. Abdominal Exercise

You may notice a duplication of exercises given during the two previous months, and while no claim is made that this is the best arrangement ever suggested, still it is recommended with the idea of producing results; therefore, it will be to your interest to give it a thorough trial. It should not be amiss to give an explanation of these exercises. In every case it is well to use weights you can handle fairly easy while executing the required number of repetitions, with the exception of No. 9, where it is advisable to use a rather heavy bell, providing you have someone to assist you in case of difficulty.

Exercise No. 1 - Use a dumb bell, and keeping the body erect, perform a correct curl, several times with each hand.

Exercise 2 - Needs no explanation

Exercise 3- Stand with the feet fairly well apart, holding a dumb bell well away from shoulder; slowly press to arm's length while inclining the body slightly to the side, and keeping the knees straight. Repeat several times with each hand.

Exercise 4- Perform a complete Two Arm Pull Over exercise several times.

Exercise 5 - Stand with feet astride and incline the body forward at the hips; keep back flat with bell hanging in both hands; bring bell up to chest; being sure to point elbows out well to the side.

Exercise 6 - Use a rather heavy weight and keep feet flat on floor; sit down as far as possible. Learn to use more than one and a half times your bodyweight.

Exercise 7 - Place a bar bell on the shoulders; then walk around the room on your toes with knees still; be sure to keep as high on your toes as you can. Continue till mildly tired.

Exercise 8 - Stand with feet flat about twelve inches apart; holding a dumb bell in each hand at the shoulders, alternately press them to arms' length overhead, keeping the body erect and knees straight. The effect will be more beneficial if you hold the bells well away from your shoulders.

Exercise 9. - Lying on your back, place a bar bell on the soles of your feet and press up to straight legs, lower as far as possible and repeat. It is advisable to use a heavy weight in the exercise. To get it on the feet, either use tow stools or boxes that will enable you to hold the bell on straight arms, or have a friend place the bell on your hands. Then bring the knees down to your chest, getting the feet under the bar. It is best to wear shoes with heels so that you may rest the bell against the heels. I have always found it best to hold the hands more than shoulder width apart when putting the bell on the feet, then to bring the feet inside of the hands. Once mastered, you will never regret the time spent on this exercise.

Exercise 10 - With the feet well apart, practice the two hands dead lift, keeping the shoulders hunched up or shrugged all the while. Be sure to do all your bending at the knees and hips; keep the back flat.

Exercise 11 - Hold a bell over your chest while in the Wrestler Bridge position and lower your shoulders to the floor; raise to the Bridge, and repeat several times.

Exercise 12 - Sit crosswise on a chair and with the feet hooked under some immovable object, lean back, bring the bar bell across your chest, and sit up. Holding the bell in place, go back to the floor and repeat.

To start our on these exercises, use about three-quarters of the best poundage you can handle in a thorough manner; each week add to the weights as follows: Exercises Nos. 1, 3, 4, 8, 11, 12, add five pounds weekly. Exercises Nos. 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, ten pounds weekly. To exercise 19 you may add twenty pounds weekly. Perform each movement about a dozen times, with the exception of the first three movements, where you should repeat them about six times. Exercise three times a week only, and the best results will be gained if you refrain from all other forms of exercise during the month. Measure yourself at the beginning of the month, and then not again till the end of the month.

In connection with the deep knee bend, it may worth while to describe the best known method of placing a heavy bell across your shoulders. A long bar is best, but if you haven't any thing longer than five feet, stand it on a high block.

Stand the bar bell on end, then assume a position alongside of the bell, just far enough away so that if tilted over, the center of the bar will land on your neck when you are squatted down. Your right side should be turned towards the bell and your feet about twelve inches apart and parallel. Lean over and rest the back of your neck against the bar, placing your hands at about shoulder width apart. Remember, the bell is still standing upright on end. Now gradually squat and pull the bell over with you, keeping the lower end on the floor or block till you have squatted pretty low, when the bell should easily rock over on your shoulders. Make certain of your balance and come up to the erect position. If the weight is heavy, you will have to work to get up with it, but persevere and you will be well repaid for your trouble. You may then perform your exercise, and to get the bell off simply reverse the procedure; that is, while squatted as low as you can go, drop one end to the floor, push hard with the upper hand, and while still keeping the neck in contact with the bar, rise as the bell is tilted back on to the on-end position. When perfectly balanced, bring the head around the bar, meanwhile holding tightly to keep it from falling over.

Physical Culture Books.com
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