Times are tough all the time, life is challenging whether one likes it or not, but recently the last 4 years have been that extra bit tougher for me. My Father who was an ex-World War 2 veteran and ex professional boxer said to me 38 years ago when my son had a massive epileptic seizure at 7 months of age, and has struggled ever since. “Life is tough son, it is tougher for some than others, it is going to be extra tough for you and your wife, so prepare yourself”. That was 38 years ago, and he was right.
The last 4 years have been especially tough. 1. I contacted a virus which caused atrial fibrillation of the heart 2. After many bouts of AF, I had a Cardiac Ablation 3. Then my wife got small cell lung cancer and died after 8 months of treatment and care by me. 4. 12 months ago, my left hip gave way and I had it replaced. 5. Today I continue to care for my son, who is mentally and physically disabled and has 6 epileptic seizures a month. 6. Covid struck and I have been ostracized at times because of my beliefs. I don’t want anyone to feel sorry for me as I always count my blessing as I have strength, and health now, and achieved much in my life.
I have trained in weight training since the age of 16 years and still continue now as I am 70 years young. I have played Australian rules football from 8 years of age till 33 years of age, administered Australian rules and coached it. Have trained under Brad Steiner in self defense since 2010, and visited him for 2 weeks training under him in Seattle in 2014. I have been blessed. Weight training, self-defense , physical and mental fitness have kept me sane so to speak. After selling my home and down sizing in 2022 , I became down mentally and physically and the pressures had caught up with me so to speak. So decided to seek guidance from my friend Bob Whelan , who has steered me in the right direction spiritually, mentally and physically, through his brilliant coaching methods.
Bob told me that the difference between most happy successful people and most unhappy people is not the lack of problems. Everyone has problems. Most happy successful people learn to manage their problems and not let problems destroy them. You do the best every day to deal with them but don't DWELL on them. You become what you dwell on. He gave me a list of books to read including a daily Bible. So I got back on the right track Mentally, Physically and Spiritually through Bob Whelan’s Coaching and friendship.
I have had to change my training as I no longer barbell or machine squat or deadlift. This program will help those who can no longer Barbell Squat or Deadlift or don’t wish to, to preserve their hip joints. The reason for this is I want to conserve my hip which has been replaced 12 months ago and also the other hip which may need to be replaced in the future. (I hope not if I care for It.) My strength training is completed every 5th day without fail, cardio is twice a week, once on the air dyne bike pushing hard for short intervals over 30 minutes and a 30 minute walk with my pet dog Tan twice a week. Once a week I practice American Combato which I learned from Bradley J Steiner after visiting and training under Brad in 2014 for 2 weeks. This keeps my hand in, and one always needs to be prepared.
Workout is as follows the big 7 I call them : 5 minutes warm up on the air bike 1. Horizontal push, 1 warm up set 1 work set machine press 2. Horizontal pull 1 work set dumb bell row 3. Vertical Push 1 work set seated machine press 4. Vertical pull 1 work set lat machine pulldown 5. Barbell Curl 1 work set 6 .Bodyweight squat for time under load, usually 12 reps takes me 2 minutes to complete and my legs are shaking like they used to when I could barbell squat 285 pounds for 20 reps, when I was 50 years of age. 7. Glut ham machine 1 set slowly for 12 reps. Tinkering as Maximum Bob (my coach) calls it • Neck, Grip, which I love, C Raises, and ab work . • All the above completed in under 1 hour. • At times I walk out of my home gym and feel like I can pull a tree out of the ground even at 70 years young. • Diet : • I eat 3 meals a day of protein enriched food, with green vegetables, salads, nuts, yogurt, fruit, eggs, oats, meat, fish and chicken. No sugar or man made carbs. Take vitamins and minerals, drink plenty of water, no alcohol, lots of rest, sunshine and outdoor stuff. I still work once a week. • Keep my mind strong in spirit by reading the bible, prayer, reading the old classics such as those by Napoleon Hill, David Schwartz, Jordan Peterson, Og Mandino. Listening to Joel Osteen. My goals in life as I age are to 1.To strengthen my body, 2.To improve my health, 3. To expand my knowledge. Simple but achievable and rewarding.

David with Bradley J. Steiner