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Saturday, May 9, 2009
Q & A - Recommended Book List - By Bradley J. Steiner
In the latest Sword and Pen there are some links to videos looking at the mindset of attackers/killers. I have looked at some of them and some of these people are just downright scary in their attitude. Also, a good article on the Yawara or hand stick.
However, my question is: Would you consider, (for a future issue), including some good links to free videos of combatives training/techniques information?
Thank You,
Hi Keith,
Thank you for your question and for your nice comment about Sword & Pen. Much appreciated.
I must honestly confess that I have not perused YouTube for videos of combat skills to any serious degree. A year or so ago, on the recommendation of a friend, I checked a few "self-defense" videos on YouTube, but found them to be so ridiculous that I never went back. It is of course possible that there is some good material there, but I am unaware of it.
I would make this recommendation to you, before you attempt to search out video presentations on combat skills: Read and study the following books: 1. Kill or Get Killed, 2. All-In Fighting/GetTough!, 3. Cold Steel, 4. Hand-To-Hand Combat (U.S. Naval Institute), and 5. Bruce Tegnér's Complete Book of Self-Defense - and - Complete Book of Jukado. Each of the first four books is available in an inexpensive reprint edition from Paladin Press.
Tegnér's two books may be located in very inexpensive pocketbook editions.
If you'll make it your business to pore over those excellent works I think that you will have equipped yourself with the knowledge that you need to properly evaluate any video or other presentations of combat skills, regardless of who is presenting them. Then, you can go through whatever may appear on YouTube in that genre and be able to make an educated "yea" or "nay" as to its worth. Also, if you study those books and work at mastering what they teach, you'll need no DVD's - on YouTube or otherwise!
It will probably also be useful to you if you follow what is presented in Sword & Pen each month.
If you have seen - and paid attention to - several or more of those videos on violent gangs, etc. that were posted in Sword & Pen, then you know what sort of creatures your skills and mindset must prepare you for. When you check any written or DVD instruction on "self-defense", "close combat", "hand-to-hand fighting", etc. just ask yourself if what you're seeing and being taught therein is something that you feel you could employ instinctively in a sudden emergency, under adverse, real world conditions against such attackers.
I wish you good luck and success in your personal training, my friend!
Professor Steiner's American Combato Site
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