On March 15th, 1906, I again appeared before members of this Club, but, owing to a severe strain, had to limit my performance to an exhibition lift of 303 lbs. pressed with one hand. This, of course, was weighed on the National Sporting Club scales, but I do not claim any record, as it is considerably below what I have lifted. I hope at some future date to again appear and press at least 350 lbs, with one hand from the shoulder, when the management have kindly promised to sign an illuminated certificate, certifying that I performed this feat under their presence, and this diploma will establish beyond doubt the authenticity of my one-handed lift, emanating as it would do from such an authoritative source.
On this latter occasion I was presented with a purse amounting to close on 50 pounds in gold, in recognition of my ability as an athlete, and as a mark of esteem from my fellow lifters and admirers. The subscription list was headed by the well-know Health and Strength Magazine, and needless to say I felt very proud and highly gratified to have such a tribute paid to my worth as an athlete. It is very nice to think that one's ability is recognised and appreciated, and although I do not know that I dare promise to do more in the future than I have in the past, yet I shall strain every nerve to maintain my right to the proud title of "The Strongest Man on Earth."
Iron Nation